About me

I’m not one to just sit and talk.

I’m someone who gets things done.

My results speak for themselves. In just over half a year as senator, I have passed multiple resolutions, including one addressing issues with campus WiFi.

Following months of meetings with IS&T, all wireless infrastructure on campus has been brought up to date and more bandwidth purchased, leading to far fewer instances of internet outages. 

I have also helped bring more drink stations to the dining hall, aided students in finding the correct resources needed to expunge old grades and helped to get water fountains on campus in working order.

If the students need it, I’ll do it. And if I can’t do it alone, I’ll still give it my all to find someone who can help. 


What I Fight For

These are my key initiatives in office. I do a lot of other stuff too, but these are my main goals.

The City in our Backyard

Cleveland State has a lot going for it. One of those key advantages is our location in Downtown Cleveland. As we are just steps from Playhouse Square, The City Club of Cleveland and AsiaTown, I believe that CSU should prioritize partnerships, promotion, and make these resources more accessible to students. 

A Connected Campus

The problem many CSU students face when arriving to our campus is not a lack of resources available, but how to find and make sense of them. By offering quick guides, interactive online maps and other resources, I believe that the campus experience can be greatly improved. Check out some prototypes in the Student Resources tab.

Clear Communication

Communication at CSU leaves a lot to be desired. I have, and will continue to advocate for open lines of communication between CSU administration and students. I believe that transparency is a key factor in decision making, and as customers of the university, we are owed the truth. 

Free Student Resources

Make your life as a student at CSU easier. All resources provided free, courtesy of Jack Whitman for Student Senate.